Update regarding the Financial Services Ordinance (FinSO) and the Financial Institutions Ordinance (FinIO)

The FinSO and the FinIO have entered into force on the 1st January 2020, bringing some changes into the calendar of entry into force of the new Swiss regulations regarding financial services and institutions. These new deadlines should now be definitive. Applicability Date  Regulations  01.01.2020 19 FinSA : the restrictions regarding the use of clients instruments enter immediately […]

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FinIA and FinSA – New Swiss Regulations for Financial Service Providers

Introduction Last June 2018, the Swiss Parliament has enacted two new regulations impacting the financial services providers, these are  :  the Swiss Financial Institutions Act (the « FinIA ») and  the Swiss Financial Services Act (the « FinSA »)  In October 2018, the execution ordinances bringing additional substance and clarification to the FinIA and the FinSA have been published […]

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Criminal proceedings : Restrictions of the accused’s rights to participate in the taking of evidence and limitations

Dans un arrêt ACPR/402/2018 du 23 juillet 2018, la Chambre pénale de recours de la Cour de justice de Genève a eu l’occasion de rappeler les conditions auxquelles le Ministère public peut restreindre le droit des prévenus de participer à l’administration des preuves. Cet arrêt est bienvenu puisqu’il confirme que (i) des restrictions du droit […]

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