Born in 1990, Camilla Natali graduated from the University of Geneva where she obtained a Bachelor and a Master of Laws. She also holds a Certificate of Advanced Studies in Legal Professions and was admitted to the Geneva Bar in March 2016. She is a member of the Criminal Law Commission and the Human Rights Commission of the Geneva Bar Association.
She practices in French, English, Italian and Portuguese.
Camilla Natali is specialised in criminal law and white collar crime. She is also active in litigation, with a particular focus on family and tenancy law.
cnatali@harari-avocats.chAfficher les publications
- La protection des témoins devant les juridictions pénales internationales, Archives ouvertes UNIGE.
- #metoo Harcèlement sexuel et comportements sexistes au sein du Barreau, in Sous Toutes Réserves, hiver 2020, n° 22.
- Le projet de l'art. 147a CPP : vers une érosion inadmissible du droit de se défendre, in SAV/FSA Revue de l'avocat 8/2020.
- Parcours de prévenu.e.s noir.e.s à Genève aujourd'hui, in Sous toutes réserves, hiver 2022, n°35.